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The Money & Abundance candle will bring  you growth, money, and abundance! This candle attracts money to you by removing the negative energy that prevents money from coming in. The act of burning is believed to connect the physical world to the spiritual realm and is driven by the element of fire, which represents transformation. Get ready to see a massive transformation in your money!

Money and Abundance Candle


    Meet the Author

    Stephanie Georgakopoulos, MBA is an Ohio-based Magnetic Money Mindset Mentor and Wealth Planner who assists female service-based business owners transform their business revenue into personal wealth.

    She is the creator of Financially EmpowHERed Females a program to help women break through their perceived income ceilings, get out of the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle, and lead a life of abundant wealth.

    She is an engaging and in-demand speaker who captivates and entertains audiences, inspiring them to take action and create a life they love.

    Stephanie's motivational and innovative talks, programs, and this book have helped female entrepreneurs create extraordinary transformation in their money mindset and in their finances.

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